Home » Top 10 Benefits of Raisins and Side Effects
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Top 10 Benefits of Raisins and Side Effects

Raisin, also popularly known as “Kishmish” in India, is one of the most popular dry fruits all around the globe. What are raisins actually? They are nothing but dried grapes! They are full of essential nutrients and are an excellent item to be added to one’s diet to stay healthy. If you are wondering how many raisins to eat every day, well while raisins can be eaten raw, they are also used in various dishes such as salads, desserts, etc. and are loved by people of all ages. 

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Fun fact: Did you know that raisins did not originate in India? Yes, raisins are originally from the Middle East! They were used as currency and also as awards during sporting events.

You might have been having raisins for years now but chances are you don’t know much about its benefits. Come, let’s learn about benefits of raisins and raisins nutrition facts:

Raisins help in lowering blood sugar in our body

Raisins might be sweet in taste but that doesn’t mean you can’t have raisins if you have high blood sugar, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. If you have high blood sugar, you should definitely add raisins to your diet, they contain a high amount of fibre and a low glycemic index- hence, being a very good way to control the blood sugar. The best part is, even though it controls sugar, it is an excellent item to have when you are having sweet cravings. It really is a win-win situation! Plus, the fibre in raisins also helps in the prevention of bloating.

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Raisins help in weight loss

How can something sweet help you lose weight? Well, it’s a misconception that a food item that is sweet in taste will not help you in your weight loss/management journey but will lead to more fat/ weight gain. Raisins are nutritious and they contain natural sugar, not artificial sugar. Raisins calories are very less yet are very filling- thus making them a perfect option to snack on during one’s weight loss journey. 

Health Benefits Of Raisins Besides Their Taste – LoveLocal

Raisins help in making your skin glow

Fruits, berries, nuts and vegetables are in general very good for your skin’s health. But not a lot of people know that consuming raisins in particular is an amazing way to improve your skin and make sure it’s healthy. It gives your skin the glow as it repairs the skin barrier, prevents further skin damage, and promotes new healthy skin. In fact, it also works well against acne and pimples! 

Raisins improve digestion 

One of the best benefits of consuming raisins soaked in water is that it improves digestion as well as prevents constipation. How? Raisins contain a high level of fibre which helps in the bowel movement. Soak raisins in water and consume it every morning to say goodbye to your digestive problems! 

Raisins improve eye health

Raisins are rich in Vitamin A which is very important in improving one’s vision. Also, the antioxidants which are present in raisins help in improving the eye health. But did you know that raisins also in most cases prevents or at least delays age-related eye issues such as cataracts? Yes, that’s right, thanks to the nutrients present in it that reduces the action of the free radicals that weaken one’s vision and also causes muscular degeneration. 

16 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Raisins Every Day -LoveLocal | lovelocal.in

Raisins improve heart health

Raisins help in improving the health of the most important organ in the human body- the heart. It not just reduced blood sugar but also blood pressure. Kismis also prevents the blood vessels from contracting, thus decreasing the chances of heart attack. It also increases the good cholesterol in the body and maintains the sodium content. 

Raisins boost immunity

Raisins are a very good source of essential nutrients and antioxidants that help in boosting the immunity. The Vitamin C in raisins helps the body fight against various diseases and its antibacterial properties keep harmful diseases at bay. 

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Raisins prevent anemia 

One of the greatest health benefits of raisins is it prevents iron deficiency in the body, thus preventing anemia. Raisins contain various minerals and iron- everything that’s necessary to create red blood cells in the human body and promote blood circulation. 

Raisins improve oral health

Another common myth is that anything that’s sweet is harmful for your teeth. Well, that’s not true and definitely not the case when it comes to raisins. In fact, raisins help in maintaining good oral health. How? Raisins contain Oleanolic Acid which is very much needed for good oral health and prevention of tooth decay. Kismis’s antibacterial properties also make sure that the harmful bacteria in the mouth gets destroyed, thus preventing tooth cavities. But here’s a lesser known fact about raisins- they also help in keeping your teeth white. How? Raisins are packed with iron and boron. Include raisins in your every day diet to have good oral health and shiny white teeth!

How to consume raisins?

Raisins can be consumed in multiple ways- for example, if you soak raisins in water it has added benefits, you can also snack on dry raisins any time during the day, or you can also add them to your yogurt, smoothie bowls, salads, cakes, granola bars, cereals, etc. for consumption. 

How many raisins to eat every day?

While raisins are very good for your health, you shouldn’t overeat them either because over consumption of raisins can have adverse effects on your body. You should consume only about 30-40gm of raisins per day, which means, not more than 8-10 daily. 

The health benefits of raisins, especially raisin water benefits (for skin/men/women/weight loss), are many and the best part is, it’s suitable for people from all age groups and it’s loved by all as well. There are multiple ways in which you can consume this delicious dry fruit, pick one that is according to your preference and is convenient for you. Add raisins to your every day diet from today, consume it in moderation and be consistent with it- you will definitely see a positive change in your health, sooner than you expect! 

You can buy premium quality raisins from your nearest local retailer available on LoveLocal. Too tired to go out? You can also have them delivered right to your doorstep. So what are you waiting for? Hop on to the LoveLocal App today!

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